Monday 7 December 2015

TCS Technical round and HR Round:

As we all know in MNCs , they do not ask questions in depth , they check only basics knowledge of the technical skills. So you should prepare basics of all the technical skills , your project .
There will be next round in TCS
1st Technical
2nd HR Round
Technical question:
1> Prepare ur self introduction well minimum (3-5 min)( cover ur academic % and all , ur hobbies, strength, short term goal, long term goal, ur project , ur achievements , ur project , about ur family, ur fav subjects ,)
2> They will check ur communication as well as confidence so prepare well
3> Technical questions can be from Core JAVA , Opps concept ,
4> From SQL they can ask Joins , types of join , function, procedure, constraints, diff between delete , drop and truncate , having clause, where clause
5> From data structure they can ask File handling , linked List, Queue , Circular Queue, Array , multi linkedlist , sorting , searching they can ask to write programs also
6> Prepare ur project as well , (theory of the project , ur role in the project , which technology used, how many members in the project , advantage of the project)
C Programs :
1. WAP to remove comment lines .
2. WAP to reverse the string like i love india so output will be - india love i
3. WAP to find string is palindrom or not.
4. WAP to find the length of string.
5. WAP to find the number is power of 2 or not.
6. WAP for string comparision.
7. WAP of Bubble sort.
8. WAP to find the LCM nd GCD.
9. WAP to find the sum of digits in number like 245 so output will be 2 + 4 + 5 = 11
10. WAP to find the sum of even and odd nodes in a lnked list.
11. prototypes of malloc, calloc, realloc.
12. string reverse without using temparary variable nd second array.
13. structure padding.
14. Difference b/w structure and union.
15. Reverse the linked list.
16. Basic of stack and queue.
17. 1.Wap for fibnocci series for n number :0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21….
18. 2.wap(write a program ) to find out the highest number in given numbers
19. 3.WAP to reverse the string using linked list
20. 4. wap to remove the blanck space from the string without using built in function
21. 5.WAP for 2^n like 2^3..(search on google u will get answer)
22. 6. write a program to find out the sub string of a string without using built in function
23. 7.wap for bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort
24. 8.write a recursive function to find the length of the of string
25. 9. write a recursive function to find the factorial of a number
26. 10 write a program to reverse the words of a staments like(my name is abhishek lodhi) o/p=ihdol kehsihba si eman ym
27. 11. write a program to compare the strings
28. 12. wap to count the characters in a string.
SQL Questions :
For SQL notes:
DDL , DML DQL(data query language ), DCL(data control language) commands (check these on google)
Functions in SQL
What are aggregate function in sql
Use of distinct keyword
What are the aliases , what are the types of aliases
SQL plus operator (
2> IN
4> LIKE Operator
Order BY command (ascending order r descending order)
What are the data integrity in database
1> Entity integrity
2> Domain….
3> Refferential..
4> User defined …..
What are constraints in sql (
2>not null
Primary key
Forgien key
Check constraint
What is sub query
What is joins
Types of joines
What is diff between where & having clause
What is diff among delete , drop & truncate commands
What is use of following operators
1> Union
2> Union all
3> Intersect
4> MINUS operator
What is use of View
What is use of indexes
Admin Team
(Happy To Help U)


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